(1861) Trophy

Nottinghamshire Rifle Association
Black Powder County Open Meeting
The traditional home for the meeting was at Thorpe Cloud Range. The range is situated at Thorpe Pastures on the edge of Thorpe village in the beautiful surroundings of Dovedale in Derbyshire. However, recently its attractive rural remoteness has lead to a fall in numbers taking part. Range access entailed a longish walk from the nearest safe parking area and on-site facilities were absent. There was also the need to set out danger flags. The venue has now moved into Nottinghamshire at Epperstone range. Details of each meeting can be reached using the links below.
The format has always included the main Minié competition for Enfield rifles covering three ranges from 200 yards following the course of fire used in the 1860's at targets with a square aiming mark and the scoring system of 1861. The conditions were as observed by the Nottingham volunteers, the Robin Hood Rifles, at their annual championship. More details of these matches can be found in our History section on this website.
This main shoot now has two trophies to be won. The Volunteer Cup is reserved for members of local clubs affiliated to the Nottinghamshire Rifle Association and the Michael Mott (1861) Trophy is open to all comers.
The additional events in the Open Meeting have varied with competitions for patched ball, free rifles, service rifles from the Victorian period, snap shooting and latterly time limit details.
For reports of the Open Meetings select the year of interest:–