The Inter-Counties Rifle Meeting
The first Meeting was arranged in 1983. Counties were invited to nominate a squad of ten shooters from which eight were to be selected for the teams in each competition. The Meeting consisted of three matches spread over two days:
- Saturday
- Match 1: The R Jarvis Trophy Match, an individual shoot of 15 shots at 300 yards.
Match 2: The Lt Col H Jones Memorial Trophy Match, a team shoot of 10 shots at each of 300, 500 & 600 yards. - Sunday
- Match 3: The NRA Inter-Counties Long Range Match, a team shoot of 15 shots at each of 800, 900 & 1000 yards.
The Match 2 trophy was presented for the competition in 1983 by 2 Para in memory of their commanding officer Lt Col H Jones VC who had died leading his troops in the Falklands conflict.
The Meeting was sponsored by Barclays Bank in the 1980's, followed by Midland Bank and British Aerospace Defence Royal Ordnance in the 1990's. In the early 2000's the principal sponsor was Royal Ordnance Radway Green.
The 1994 Meeting programme shows that the Long Range Match was open only to the top 25 teams from the H Jones Match. Those not qualifying took part in The Counties Consolation Match (Match 4) which was shot under the same conditions as Match 3 but at 300, 500 & 600 yards.
The programme for the meeting has changed over the years and currently it consists of Queen's I, Queen's 2 and Queen's 3 for matches 1 to 3 and the consolation match has been dropped; but an individual Champion of Champions event has been added.
The Inter-Counties Match 8th & 9th June, 2024
The two day match followed the usual pattern with the R Jarvis first on Saturday morning followed by the Lt Col H Jones Memorial team match in the afternoon. Sunday saw the Long Range team match and the Champion of Champions individual trophy. Each county has a squad of 10 shooters from whom 8 are nominated to shoot in each team match.
The individual competition for the R Jarvis Trophy was won by CA Skellett from Hertfordshire with a total score of 105.13v (ex 105.21v). Normally the whole Nottinghamshire squad has taken part in this competition; but not this year.
Surrey once again came top in the Lt Col H Jones Memorial Trophy with a total of 1179.147v (ex 1200.240v), comfortably ahead of Gloucestershire and Somerset who came 2nd and 3rd. Nottinghamshire came 9th, out of 22, with 1151.99v. Our top scorer was SD Shouler with 147.14v.
Team scores in the H Jones VC Memorial Trophy competition
22 teams took part in the NRA Long Range Team Match on the Sunday morning on Stickledown range at 900 and 1000 yards. Surrey won this match with 1143.130v (ex 1200.240v) with a good margin over Norfolk and Berkshire. Nottinghamshire came 12th with 1092.72v and our top scorer was our captain, RSF Shouler, with 146.19v.
Having won both the Jones and NRA matches, Surrey carried off the NRA Inter Counties Challenge Trophy, with Berkshire 2nd and Sussex 3rd. Nottinghamshire came 12th.
The final shoot of the day was for the Champion of Champions individual match for a single marksman nominated by each county. There were 20 entrants and the winner was DA Rose of the Northamptonshire, Leicester & Rutland squad with 70.6v (ex 75.15v). Second was Dr AM Jory of London on 70.4v and in third place was PM Patel of Surrey on 69.5v. SD Shouler was selected for Nottinghamshire but only made 18th place with 61.4v.
Scores for the Long Range, Inter Counties Challenge and Champions shoots
The Inter-Counties Match 10th & 11th June 2023
The two day match followed the same pattern as in previous years, Saturday being the Jarvis individual competition followed by the Lt Col H Jones Memorial team match at short range, and Sunday for the Long Range team match and the Champion of Champions individual competition. Teams are for 8 selected from a squad of 10 shooters per county.
The individual competition for the R Jarvis Trophy was won by Mr H Awin of Surrey with 105.17v. The top Notts. shooter was 39th on 103.11v. The competition included Under 23 and Under 25 awards. Mr E Harris on Nottinghamshire came 2nd in the U25.
Individual scores in the Jarvis Trophy competition
The winners of the short range match for the Lt Col H Jones Memorial Trophy were once again Surrey. Nottinghamshire had several new members in the team and were placed lower than usual at 16th out of 20 entries. Notts. top scorer was Mr RSF Shouler with 147.15v.
Team scores in the H Jones VC Memorial Trophy competition
On Sunday morning 19 teams went to Stickledown range for the NRA Long Range Team Match at 900 and 1000 yds. Surrey again dominated the match and consequently also won the NRA Inter Counties Challenge Trophy. Nottinghamshire came in 10th out of 19 with Mr SD Shouler topping the team scores with 147.12v. Our aggregate score placed us 14th in the Challenge Trophy.
After the Long Range Match each team nominated one shooter to represent them in the Champion of Champions individual match. The winner was Mr O Russell of Sussex and our Mrs LE Haley came 11th.
Scores for the Long Range, Inter Counties Challenge and Champions shoots
The Inter-Counties Match 11th & 12th June 2022
The R Jarvis Trophy for all team competitors started the Saturday shooting with a Queen's I format, 2+7 at 300, 500 and 600 yds. There were two top scores of 105.15v separated for gold and silver medals by a tie shoot. The top Nottinghamshire shooter was Mrs L Haley on 103.9v followed closely by Mr JA Bullock on 102.13v.
Individual scores in the Jarvis Trophy competition
In the afternoon, the Lt Col H Jones Memorial Trophy was held for 22 teams of 8 firing 1+10 over 300, 500 and 600 yds. The winners were Surrey. Nottinghamshire made a commendable 5th place under the captaincy of Mr RSF Shouler.
Team scores in the H Jones VC Memorial Trophy competition
Next morning, the NRA Long Range Team Match was held with 21 teams taking part, 2+15 at 900 and 1000 yds. The winners were Surrey on 1168.137v and Nottinghamshire came 8th with 1122.97v.
The aggregate of the Jones and the Long Range matches for the NRA Inter Counties Challenge Trophy was, unsurprisingly, won by Surrey. Nottinghamshire came 9th out of 21 teams.
The concluding shoot was for the Champion of Champions, Comins Challenge Trophy for one nominated shooter from each team. Nottinghamshire was represented by Mr RSF Shouler who came 4th with a score of 72.5v.
Scores for the Long Range, Inter Counties Challenge and Champions shoots
The Inter-Counties Match 12th & 13th June 2021
The Inter-Counties Meeting in 2020 had been lost to COVID-19 restrictions; but this year it was possible once again to hold the competition on the National Rifle Association ranges at Bisley.
The first shoot on the Saturday was the R Jarvis Trophy, an individual competition for NRA members or members of NRA affiliated County teams shooting in the match. It was shot at 300, 500 and 600 yards with 2 convertible sighters and 7 shots to count at each range. The top score wins the R Jarvis Trophy and an NRA Gold Medal. 2nd and 3rd places win a silver or bronze NRA Medal and there are Trophies for the top Under 25 and Under 23 shooters.
Individual scores in the Jarvis Trophy competition
The Lt Col H Jones VC Memorial Trophy followed in the afternoon for teams of 8 nominated from a squad of 10 comprising 1 convertible sighter and 10 to count at 300, 500 and 600 yards, 2 targets per team and 1 hour per range. The winning team wins the Colonel "H" Jones VC Statuette and 10 NRA Gold Medals. Runners up receive 10 NRA Silver or Bronze Medals for 2nd and 3rd place.
Team scores in the H Jones VC Memorial Trophy competition
Sunday's programme has the top 25 teams from the Lt Col H Jones VC match competing for the NRA Long Range Team Match at 900 and 1000 yards, 2 sighters and 15 to count at each range. The winners receive the NRA Challenge Trophy and 10 Gold Medals, with silver and bronze for 2nd and 3rd place.
Team scores in the NRA Long Range Team match
The Inter-Counties Challenge Trophy is awarded to the team with the best aggregate score from the Lt Col H Jones VC Memorial Trophy Match and the Long Range Team Match with Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places.
Team scores for the Inter-Counties Challenge Trophy
On conclusion of the Long Range Match, one nominated individual from each County squad can take part in the Champion of Champions individual match firing 2 sighters and 15 to count at 1000 yards to win the Challenge Trophy presented in 1990 by the Comins family.
Individual scores for the Champion of Champions Comins Challenge Trophy
The English XX Club King George V Midlands heat was fired concurrently with the Lt Col. H Jones Memorial Trophy with teams of 6 to count. Two teams took part: Nottinghamshire and Northants, Leics & Rutland. Nottinghamshire produced the better score and go through to the national final which is held at Bisley during the Imperial Meeting.
Nottinghamshire team scores for the weekend
The Inter-Counties Match 15th & 16th June 2019
This was the 36th Inter-Counties Meeting open for county teams of ten, of which eight shoot, at short and long range. The team shoots were preceded by the R Jarvis Trophy individual match on the Saturday morning open to all members of the county teams. The Jarvis is at short range only consisting of two convertible sighters and seven to count at 300, 500 & 600 yards. There were 148 entries. The winner by a margin of 1v was A Jory of London with 105.13v (ex 105.21v). The top scoring Nottinghamshire shooter was JA Bullock in sixth place with 104.13v having dropped one out the bull at 300 yards. In addition to the usual gold, silver & bronze medals for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place, there were silver salvers for the top Under 25 and Under 23 competitors.
Results for the R Jarvis Trophy
There followed The Lt Col H Jones VC Memorial Trophy Match for teams of 8 plus coaches, one convertible sighter and ten to count at 300, 500 & 600 yards. Twenty teams were entered and Nottinghamshire came fifteenth with a team score of 1144.91v (ex 1200.240v). The winners were Surrey with 1180.149v.
Results for the Lt Col H Jones VC Memorial
On the Sunday morning it was the turn of the NRA Inter-Counties Long Range Team Match. Nineteen teams of eight were entered to shoot two convertible sighters and fifteen to count at 900 & 1000 yards. The early weather forecast for only a slight chance of rain was quickly disproved. Intermittent showers and changing wind provided challenging conditions for all at 900 yards. The clouds broke towards the end of the 1000 yard detail. Nottinghamshire came fourteenth with 1094.74v (ex 1200.240v). The winning team was again Surrey with 1141.99v, which also gave them the top place in the aggregate, well clear of the rest of the field, and for the eleventh year in succession. Nottinghamshire were placed fourteenth in the aggregate.
Results for the Long Range Team Match
Results for the Inter-Counties Aggregate
The day concluded with the Champion of Champions Match, normally shot during the Imperial Meeting but now included in the Inter-Counties weekend. As the match started the sun broke through the clouds and the wind was again challenging. One shooter was chosen from each county. There were eighteen entrants firing fifteen shots to count. The top scorer was M Ensor of Surrey who made 72.4v (ex 75.15v) and won the Challenge Trophy. Nottinghamshire were represented by SJ Whitby, who came seventh with 67.4v.
Results for the Champion of Champions Match
The East Midlands heat of the King George V Cup was shot concurrently with the Lt Col H Jones Memorial. The Northants. Leicester & Rutland team beat the Nottinghamshire team and they will go forward to the final held during the Imperial Meeting.
Nottinghamshire team scores for the weekend
The Inter-Counties Match 16th & 17th June 2018
As usual the Inter-Counties Match started on the Saturday morning with the individual R Jarvis Trophy shoot at the three standard short ranges with two sighters and seven to count. The results listing from the NRA shows 71 competitors with 8 making a maximum 105. The winner scored 105.17V just 4V short of a perfect shoot. There were 11 104's and 16 103's. The top Notts. shooters were SD Shouler, M Rewston and RSF Shouler. The leading scores down to 71st. place are on the National Rifle Association website and can be viewed here.
In the afternoon there followed the H Jones Memorial Trophy for teams of 8 over a Queen's Second Stage course of fire. Nottinghamshire came fourteenth of the twenty entries with a team total of 1149.103V. The top score of the team was made by SD Shouler. The match was won by Surrey with an aggregate score of 1183.149V. The full list of all the team scores is on the NRA website and can also be viewed here.
The third shoot, the N.R.A. Long Range Match took place on the Sunday morning at 900 and 1000 yards, two sighters and fifteen to count, teams of eight to shoot and up to two coaches. Conditions were described as a tough challenge for all coaches in blustery weather with varying and rapid changes in wind strength. Top score again went to Surrey with 1135.107V. Nottinghamshire came in eleventh on 1116.76V. Mr SJ Whitby was the leading scorer for Notts. on 143.12V. The full list of all the team scores is on the NRA website and can also be viewed here.
Nottinghamshire's final position in the aggregate for both the matches was fourteenth.A full list of scores can be seen here.
The Midland Heat of the English XX King George V Competition was shot off concurrently with the H Jones Match, seven shooters being designated from each eligible team prior to the shoot. Nottinghamshire beat Northants, Leics. and Rutland by 1011.99V to 1004.103V to claim their place in the final at Bisley in July. There is a full digest of Nottinghamshire team scores which can be seen on this link.
The Inter-Counties Match 17th & 18th June 2017
The 2017 Inter-Counties Match began with the individual R Jarvis Trophy competition, ranges 300, 500 and 600 yards, with two sighters and seven to count at each range. The match was shot by 125 competitors in very warm conditions with light but variable winds. There were 12 scores of 105, 15 scores of 104 and 19 scores of 103. A three-way tie on a score of 105.17V took place to decide the medal winners. The top three Notts shooters were JA Bullock, TJ Bullock, and D Talbot. TJ Bullock won the Under 23 Trophy with 103.10V. The leading scores down to 46th place are on the National Rifle Association website and can be viewed here.
The H Jones Memorial Trophy was shot in the afternoon to a Queen's Second Stage pattern of two sighters and ten to count at 300, 500 and 600 yards with teams of eight shooters. The Nottinghamshire team came tenth with an aggregate score of 1164.111V. The individual top score in the team was 149.19, scored by SD Shouler. The winners, Surrey, made 1192.180V out of a maximum possible of 1200.240V.
The English XX King George V Competition Midland Heat was shot concurrently with the H Jones Memorial Trophy by six designated team members. The Nottinghamshire team won with a score of 878.84V, beating Northants. Leics. & Rutland and Lincolnshire, and qualify to shoot in the final at the Imperial Meeting in July.
On Sunday, 18th, the team took part in the National Rifle Association Long Range Team Match over 900 and 1000 yards, two sighters and fifteen to count at each range. The winners were Surrey with an aggregate score of 1185.159V out of 1200.240V. Nottinghamshire came thirteenth with 1143.109V.
Details of Nottinghamshire individual scores for all the competitions can be read by clicking here.
The Inter-Counties Match 18th & 19th June 2016
The Nottnghamshire County Fullbore Team took part in this year's match. In the R Jarvis Trophy competition, shot to Queen's First Stage conditions of two sighters and seven to count at 300, 500 and 600 yards, RSF Shouler and SD Shouler both produced possibles of 105; but were pushed to third and sixth place on V-bull count. The first two places were taken by a tie on 19 V-bulls (settled by a separate tie shoot) with RSF Shouler third on 18 V-bulls and SD shouler sixth on 16 V-bulls.
The H Jones Memorial Trophy was shot in the afternoon to a Queen's Second Stage pattern of two sighters and ten to count at 300, 500 and 600 yards with teams of eight shooters. The Nottinghamshire team came sixteenth with an aggregate score of 1164 and 122 V-bulls. The individual top score in the team was 148.19. The winners, Surrey, made 1190.178 out of a maximum possible of 1200.240.
The English Twenty Club King George V Cup Midland Region Heat was held concurrently with the H Jones Memorial Trophy using the same scores from designated teams of six. Northants Leics and Rutland won the heat with Nottinghamshire second and Lincolnshire third.
The final shoot on the Sunday was the National Rifle Association Long Range Team Match over 900 and 1000 yards, two sighters and fifteen to count at each range, eight shooters per team. The winners were Surrey with an aggregate score of 1153.102. Nottinghamshire came eighteenth with 1106.99.
Details of Nottinghamshire individual scores can be read by clicking here. The full results are available from the National Rifle Association website.
The Inter-Counties Match 15th & 16th June 2013
The individual match on Saturday morning (2 & 7 at 300, 500 & 600 yards) featured a strong gusty wind and there was only one full score of 105. Notts shooters in the prize list were Richard Shouler 5th with 104.09, Simon Shouler 28th with 102.10 and Dick Rosling 33rd with 102.08.
The wind increased in the afternoon for the H Jones Short Range team match and was particularly difficult at 500 yards with consequent generally low scoring. A storm which occurred between the 500 and 600 yards shoots steadied the wind somewhat and scoring improved. Notts finished 15th with the teams from 4th to 16th bunched together within a 20 point spread. The concurrent match for the English XX Club King George V Midlands heat was won by Northants, Leics & Rutland with Notts 2 points behind.
The Long Range Match on Sunday morning featured steadier winds and Notts finished 9th.

Back l-r: JA Bullock, G Shelton, RP Rosling (Capt), FK Day,
WRD Mott, RSF Shouler, JC Jobling
Front: SD Shouler, BR Shouler, SJ Whitby
Photo credit Fiona Day
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