The 1909 Portland Cup Competition
The second competition for the Duke of Portland's Cup was held in this year. The format was essentially the same knock-out competition with fresh draws for each round.
The Evening Post of May 4th reported a good entry of 21 teams; though the paper omitted two entries (Sneinton and Notts. Civilians) who subsequently appear in the report of the draw for round 1 which follows below.
In both 1908 and 1909 nineteen clubs sent in teams and there was one more team in 1909 than in 1908. The extra team was Jardines's B; but there were two drop outs from 1908, Beeston and Castle Brewery (Newark), their places being taken by Nottingham Municipal Officers and Burton Joyce.
Nottingham Evening Post, Tuesday, 4th May, 1909
A capital entry has been received for the cup presented by the president of the Nottinghamshire Association (the Duke of Portland) for competition by all clubs in that association, and also for the Astor Cup, competed for annually by the clubs in the county affiliated to the National Rifle Association. The numbers are in excess of those for last year, and the general improvement noted in the shooting, even so early this season, gives promise of a keen competition.
The clubs to take part in the Astor Cup shoot are:- Mapperley (holders), Boots, Jardine's, Carrington, Stanley Works (Newark), Newark Town, Retford, Mansfield, Southwell, Radcliffe, Nottingham Municipal Officers, Nottingham Constitutional Club, Notts. Civilians, Lowdham, and Burton Joyce.
The entry for the Duke of Portland's Cup is heavier, namely, Mapperley, Boots (two teams), Jardine's (two teams), Carrington, Kirkby, Stanley Works (Newark), Wiseton, Newark Town (holders), Retford (three teams), Mansfield, Southwell, Radcliffe, Nottingham Municipal Officers, Nottingham Constitutional Club, Lowdham, Burton Joyce, and Nottingham St. Thomas's.
The executive of the Nottinghamshire Association of Civilian and Miniature Rifle Clubs met to hold the initial draw for round 1. This was arranged to reduce the entries to eight for the second round. The current holders, Newark Town R.C., in the northern section, were drawn to shoot the only northern match against Retford (A).
Nottingham Evening Post, Thursday, 6th May, 1909
A meeting of the executive of the Nottinghamshire Association was held last evening at the Mechanics' Institution, Nottingham, Mr. P.J. Smith presiding. The other members present were Messrs. T.F. Revell, F.E. Tyler, G.F. Fawcett, E.A. Merryweather, A.E. Sutton, G. Searson, H. Gibson, S.A. Wallis, and W.A. Barrow.
It was decided that the first round in the Duke of Portland's Cup should consist of six matches and two byes in South Notts., and one match and Seven byes in North Notts. The draw was:–
Constitutional Club v. Sneinton
Mapperley v. Boots (A)
Jardines (A) v. Boots (B)
Burton Joyce v. Municipal Officers
Jardines (B) v. Carrington
Radcliffe v. Lowdham
Byes: Notts. Civilians and St. Thomas's
Newark Town v. Retford (A)
Range officer, Mr. G.F. Fawcett.
Byes: Retford (B), Retford (C), Stanley Works, Wiseton, Mansfield, Southwell, and Kirkby-in-Ashfield.
The draws for the times for the Astor Cup resulted as follows:–
1.50 Constitutional Club
2.10 Notts Civilians and Mapperley
2.50 Municipal Officers and Carrington
3.30 Radcliffe and Lowdham
4.10 Stanley Works and Southwell
4.50 Newark Town and Burton Joyce
5.30 Mansfield and Retford
6.10 Jardines and Arnold and Daybrook
6.50 Boots
7.10 Sneinton
The following additional rule for the Astor Cup was made:– "No competitor shall be allowed more than 15 minutes for each series of eight shots."
On the Friday before the first round matches, the Evening Post carried details of the events.
Nottingham Evening Post, Friday, 14th May, 1909
The first round of this year's competition for the Duke of Portland's Cup, open to the clubs affiliated to the Nottinghamshire Civilian and Miniature Rifle Clubs Association will be decided to-morrow, when there will be six matches and two byes in South Notts., and one match and seven byes in North Notts., as follows:–
Constitutional Club v. Sneinton, on Boots range, 6 o'clock. Range officer, Mr. E. Brown.
Mapperley v. Boots (A), 5.30. Range officer, Mr. J.K. Townsend.
Burton Joyce v. Municipal Officers, 3. Range Officer, Mr. D. Petford.
Jardines (A) v. Boots (B). 2.30.
Jardines (B) v. Carrington, 3.30.
Radcliffe v. Lowdham, 3.
Byes: Notts. Civilians and St. Thomas's.
Newark Town v. Retford (A), 3. Range officer, Mr. G.F. Fawcett.
Byes: Retford (B), Retford (C), Stanley Works, Wiseton, Mansfield, Southwell, and Kirkby-in-Ashfield.
All the first round matches were featured in the Evening Post on the following Monday, May 17th.
The holders of the Cup, Newark Town, who had been drawn in the only match in the northern section, found that their opponents Retford (A) had scratched and given them an unopposed bye to the second round.
In the southern section, five of the six matches took place and full details of scores are given. The sixth match between Radcliffe and Lowdham, being shot at Radcliffe, was abandoned when lowdham could not raise a team on the day. Radcliffe went through to the next round.
The winning clubs from the remaining five matches were: Nottingham Constitutional, Mapperley, Nottingham Municipal Officers, Carrington, and Jardines (A).
Nottingham Evening Post, Monday, 17th May, 1909
The first round of the competition for the Duke of Portland's cup, which is offered by the president for annual competition by clubs affiliated to the Nottinghamshire Association, was fired on Saturday. The conditions were ten shots at 25 yards on decimal targets, teams of eight, all counting.
Only one match was arranged for North Notts., between Newark Town and Retford A, at Newark, but the latter having scratched, the holders pass unopposed into the next round. Six matches were down to decision in South Notts., but that at Radcliffe between Radcliffe and Lowdham was abandoned owing to the latter being unable to raise a team. The results were:–
On Boots R.C. range, resulting in a win for Constitutional by 27 points. Scores:–
Constitutional | Sneinton | ||
F.R. Johnson | 97 | G.A. Collier | 97 |
H.C. Sheldon | 96 | A. Searby | 97 |
H.C. Wright | 95 | E. Stevenson | 92 |
H. Wood | 95 | G.E. Holden | 92 |
H.S. Page | 93 | J. Thorp | 90 |
H.W. Davis | 93 | P. Robinson | 90 |
J.H. Trease | 91 | J.C. Grammer | 87 |
F.O. Wright | 88 | R.A. Barry | 75 |
Total | 748 | Total | 721 |
At Mapperley, resulting in a win for Mapperley by 6 points. Scores:–
Mapperley | Boots "A" | ||
L. Duckett (Capt) | 93 | A. Thompson | 98 |
W. George | 95 | J. Boyce | 93 |
W. Ashby | 92 | A. Rowe | 98 |
W.E. Clifton | 91 | G.H. Rowe | 91 |
P.J. Smith | 96 | H.G. Hooke | 93 |
H. Barnsdale | 92 | O Fischer | 90 |
T. Caunt | 97 | J Hunt | 90 |
P.T. Winfield | 91 | H. Pearce | 91 |
Total | 750 | Total | 744 |
At Burton Joyce, resulting in a victory for the visitors by 8 points. Scores:–
Burton Joyce | Municipal Officers | ||
Wetherington | 95 | Coe | 96 |
Harrison | 90 | Owen | 94 |
H. Kirk | 89 | Johnstone | 91 |
S. Kirk | 88 | Adshead | 85 |
Marshall | 88 | Newham | 84 |
Slater | 78 | Billington | 82 |
Elliott | 75 | Johnson | 76 |
O. Kirk | 70 | Pepper | 73 |
Total | 673 | Total | 681 |
At Basford, the visitors winning by 19 points. Scores:–
Carrington | Jardine's B | ||
F. Horsley | 96 | G. Swingler | 92 |
E.L. Doubleday | 93 | W. Paulson | 94 |
F.G. Skerritt | 93 | H. Barkes | 82 |
A.E. Spowage | 96 | E. Sharp | 86 |
E. Yarnell | 83 | A. Lacey | 84 |
R.E. Smedley | 100 | W. Wallis | 95 |
F. Shaw | 85 | W.W. Young | 93 |
H. Oldershaw | 94 | N. Springthorpe | 95 |
Total | 740 | Total | 721 |
At Basford, Jardine's winning by 39 (sic) points. Scores:–
Boots B | Jardine's A | ||
J. Hibbert | 96 | H. Montgomery | 93 |
J. Palmer | 87 | W.A. Barrow | 93 |
F.F. Havel | 94 | R.N. Barker | 97 |
H.O. Heath | 89 | J. Hildyard | 93 |
F. Freer | 89 | J. Smart | 99 |
H.O. Roe | 93 | T.L. Birks | 95 |
G. Tomlinson | 92 | H. Morrell | 96 |
F.W. Wright | 90 | J.C. Hendry | 93 |
Total | 730 | Total | 759 |
The draw for the second round of four matches in each section was held on May 20th, at the Mechanics' Institute in Nottingham.
Nottingham Evening Post, Thursday, 20 May, 1909
A meeting of the council of the Nottinghamshire Association was held at the Mechanics', Nottingham, last evening. Mr. T.F. Revell (Boots) presided, and those present were Messrs. P.J. Smith (Mapperley), A.E. Emmerson (Carrington), H. Gibson (Radcliffe), A.E. Sutton (Notts. Civilians), G.F. Fawcett (Newark League), E.A. Merryweather (Southwell), and W.A. Barrow (secretary).
The chief business was the draw for the second round of the Duke of Portland's Cup, which resulted as follows:–
Constitutional Club v. Municipal Officers.
Notts. Civilians' v Thomas's
Radcliffe v. Jardine's A
Carrington v. Mapperley
Retford B v. Southwell
Kirkby-in-Ashfield v. Wiseton
Stanley Works (Newark) v. Mansfield
Newark Town v. Retford C
It was resolved that the first-named club should have choice of range, and that no club should be compelled to commence shooting later than 3.30 p.m.
The second round matches were shot in mid-June; but the Nottingham Evening Post seems not to have reported the results. We only know the details of the match between Nottingham Constitutional (the winners) and Nottingham Municipal Officers and only half the scores for the postal match between Kirkby-in-Ashfield (reported) and Wiseton, from a report in the Nottingham Daily Express of Monday, June 21st.
The winners can be deduced from the report of the draw for the third round consisting of two matches in each section.
The report of the Kirkby's scores is interesting as it splits them into two parts. The match targets were Society of Miniature Rifle Clubs decimal duplicate targets, which had two diagrams side by side for 5 shots on each diagram.
Nottingham Daily Express, Monday, 21 June, 1909
Fired on Saturday on Jardines R.C. range. The light was very variable and the scores were in consequence low. The conditions were ten shots at 25 yards distance on decimal targets. Scores:–
Constitutional | Municipal Officers | ||
H.W. Davis | 98 | G.H. Owen | 97 |
F.B. Johnson | 94 | W.H. Newham | 94 |
J.H. Trease | 94 | K. Adstead | 93 |
H.C. Sheldon | 93 | F. Coe | 91 |
G.H. Stubbington | 91 | E. Tagg | 88 |
H. Wood | 88 | H. Barnett | 85 |
E.B. Stocker | 86 | R. Johnstone | 86 |
F.O. Wright | 83 | A. Darker | 84 |
Total | 726 | Total | 718 |
Shooting in the second round of the Duke of Portland's Cup between teams representing Kirkby and Wiseton took place on Saturday on the Kirkby range, this being a post match. Ten rounds per man were fired at 25 yards distance. Mr C.W.E. Browne (Mansfield) acted as range officer. Details for Kirkby:–
H. Searson | 48 | 47 | 95 |
H. Clayton | 43 | 50 | 93 |
J. Cuthbert | 44 | 40 | 84 |
P. Newcombe | 36 | 42 | 78 |
H. Wharton | 44 | 38 | 82 |
D. Hardy | 43 | 38 | 81 |
J. Dutchman | 43 | 46 | 89 |
G. Weston | 36 | 33 | 69 |
Total | 671 |
The third round draw took place on June 23rd for the two matches left in each section of the competition. This included a postal match for Kirkby-in-Ashfield versus Southwell.
Nottingham Evening Post, Thursday, 24th June 1909
A meeting of the Notts. Miniature Rifle Association was held last night, Mr H. Gibson in the chair. Others present were: Messrs. S.A. Wallis, H. Davis, A. Emmerson, A.E. Sutton, E.A. Merryweather, G. Searson, C.G. Kirk, T.F. Revell, P.J. Smith, and W.A. Barrow.
The draw for the third round of the Duke of Portland Cup resulted as follows:–
North Notts., to fire on July 17th, on the range of the first named:– Newark Town v. Stanley Works, Kirkby-in-Ashfield v. *Southwell. *Post match granted.
South Notts., July 10th:– St. Thomas's v. Jardine's, Constitutional v. Carrington.
The Guardian Cup will be fired on July 24th, the entries closing on July 17th. A sub-committee was formed to draw up the rules, consisting of H. Gibson, A.E. Sutton, A. Emmerson, W.A. Barrow, the meeting to be held on June 28th, at the Victoria Station.
A league meeting was afterwards held, with Mr. T.F. Fevell in the chair, and the other members present were:– P.J. Smith, S.A. Wallis, H.W. Dennis, J.W. Smith, A. Emmerson, G.H.Searson, G.H. Owen, P. Lister, and J.H. Farr.
With reference to the suspension of an alliance member by the Alliance Committee, the League Committee upheld the decision, and the member was suspended until July 19th inclusive.
The results of the third round matches were only found for the southern section. These were fired on July 10th, and resulted in wins for Carrington (versus Constitutional) and Jardines's (versus St Thomas's). The northern section matches were due to be shot a week later; but the report has not been found. The winners from the semi-final draw were Newark Town (versus Stanley Works) and Southwell (versus Kirkby-in-Ashfield).
Nottingham Evening Post, Monday. 12 July, 1909
The third round matches in the southern division in connection with the Duke of Portland's Cup were fired on Saturday, the winners qualifying for the semi-finals with a pair from the northern division. The conditions were ten shots at 25 yards on Roberts' targets, teams of eight, all to count. Scores:–
On Boots range:–
Constitutional | Carrington | ||
H.W. Davis | 93 | H. Housley | 96 |
H. Wood | 93 | F. Shaw | 93 |
H.O. Wright | 93 | H. Oldershaw | 93 |
F.B. Johnson | 93 | G. Smith | 93 |
H.C. Sheldon | 93 | W.J. Hodgson | 91 |
S.H. Page | 90 | F.G. Skerritt | 91 |
J.H. Trease | 89 | T. Houosley | 89 |
E.G. Underwood | 82 | S. Hoskins | 84 |
Total | 726 | Total | 730 |
On Carrington R.C.'s range:–
Jardines | St Thomas's | ||
W.A. Barrow | 100 | H.E. Hart | 94 |
J Hildyard | 98 | W. Harrison | 90 |
J. Smart | 98 | F.V. Westby | 93 |
R.N. Barker | 96 | E. Rooston | 88 |
J.C. Hendry | 94 | J. Smith | 83 |
H. Morrell | 94 | A.Lowther, sen. | 82 |
T.L. Birks | 93 | L. Honor | 82 |
J. Swindell | 89 | A. Lowther, jun. | 78 |
Total | 762 | Total | 690 |
Next meeting of executive July 21st. Draw for semi-finals and final of cup.
For the semi-final round, there were left in the competition, two teams from the north and two from the south, and the draw put them against one another. The match was set for August 21st at Mapperley rifle range, with the final to be shot immediately after the semi-finals.
Nottingham Evening Post, Thursday, 22nd July, 1909
The executive of the Notts. Miniature Rifle Association met yesterday evening, with Mr. H.W. Davis in the chair. The draw for the semi-final of Duke of Portland's Cup resulted as follows:–
Carrington v. Jardine's, Newark v. Southwell.
It was decided to shoot on the Mapperley rifle range on August 21st. The range officers will be A.E. Sutton, P.J. Smith, G.F. Fawcett, and the statistical officers, T.F. Revell and E. Josselyn.
The range officers for the annual meeting held on the Carrington and Municipal Officer's ranges will be Captain W.H. Newham and H.W. Davis, of the statistical officers, H. Tomkins and S.A. Wallis.
The Guardian Cup Competition will be fired on Saturday, commencing at 3.30, unlimited competitors starting at 2 o'clock.
Come the day, the Nottingham Evening Post produced a full report of the two semi-final matches; but no details of the final. Maybe the report was unfinished due to the cut-off time for inclusion in the same evening's newspaper.
However on another page they did produce a picture of the Duke of Portland's Cup, which is reproduced here
Nottingham Evening Post, Saturday, 21 August, 1909

The Duke of Portland's Cup
for miniature marksmen, the final match
for which was shot this afternoon on the
Mapperley Range.
The Nottingham Evening Post did not report the final results on the following Monday, August 23rd; but the Nottingham Daily Express did so, with a good write-up and fully detailed scores.
In the final, Jardine's beat the holders Newark Town by a margin of 7 points, being 763 to 756. In the previous year Newark Town had only needed 747 to win the Cup.
The winners' team average per man was 95.4.
Nottingham Daily Express, Monday, 23 August, 1909
Jardine's Club Wins the Duke of Portland Cup.
The last stage in the competition for the handsome cup presented by the Duke of Portland, the president of the Nottinghamshire Association of Civilian Miniature Rifle Clubs, took place on the Mapperley outdoor range on Saturday, when the semi-finals and the final were fired. This year's contest has been much keener than that of last year; many more clubs having entered for the competition. The county was divided into two sections, North and South, and the leading two clubs in each division competed in the semi-finals on Saturday, Newark Town (last year's holders) being opposed to Southwell and Jardine's being opposed to Carrington.
The conditions for firing were teams of eight, all to count, ten shots and two sighters at S.M.R.C. decimal duplicate targets at 25 yards. In the semi-finals two men from each club fired at the same time. The officials were:– Captain W.H. Newham (chief range officer), Mr P.J. Smith (in charge of the marking), Mr A.E. Sutton (in charge of the firing point), Mr T.F. Revell, and Mr E. Josslyn (statistical affairs).
At the outset the riflemen were placed at some disadvantage owing to the rain, but after a while the weather cleared up, and for the remaining riflemen the conditions were most admirable. Except in the case, perhaps, of Southwell, the shooting was excellent, in an individual as well as a collective sense. J. Hendry (Jardine's R.C.) having the honour of claiming the only "possible" scored.
The aggregates were:–
Jardine's | 760 | Carrington | 751 |
Newark | 757 | Southwell | 711 |
Jardine's | 763 | Newark | 756 |
It will be seen that while Jardine's improved in the final Newark dropped one point. The winning club is to be congratulated upon the very fine achievement. Details:–
Jardine's | Carrington | ||
J.C. Harrison | 96 | H. Oldershaw | 95 |
R.N. Barker | 96 | H.S. Doubleday | 91 |
J. Hildyard | 95 | F. Housley | 91 |
H. Montgomery | 90 | B.R. Smedley | 97 |
J. Smart | 96 | W.J. Hodgson | 96 |
H. Morrell | 97 | F.G. Skerritt | 94 |
T.L. Birks | 90 | G. Smith | 95 |
J. Hendry | 100 | F. Shaw | 92 |
Total | 760 | Total | 751 |
Newark R.C. | Southwell R.C. | ||
L. Smith | 89 | J.R. Rickett | 87 |
H. Powell | 92 | J.P. Beeson | 87 |
G.W. Clewes | 97 | W. Saddington | 93 |
J.C. Gill | 94 | J. Keetley | 95 |
L. Reeve | 94 | A. Brown | 81 |
M.Shea | 96 | H.G. Wright | 89 |
W. Clewes | 99 | G.W. Kirk | 88 |
F. Fagan | 96 | J. Stafford | 91 |
Total | 757 | Total | 711 |
Jardine's R.C. | Newark R.C. | ||
J.C. Harrison | 94 | L. Smith | 92 |
R.N. Barker | 98 | H. Powell | 89 |
J. Hildyard | 98 | G.W. Clewes | 96 |
H. Montgomery | 91 | J.C. Gill | 97 |
J. Smart | 93 | L. Reeve | 94 |
H. Merrel | 96 | M. Shea | 94 |
T.L. Birks | 95 | W. Clewes | 98 |
J. Hendry | 98 | F. Fagan | 96 |
Total | 763 | Total | 756 |
Transcripts from the Nottingham Evening Post
4, 6, 14, 17 & 20 May
24 June, 12 & 22 July & 21 August
and Nottingham Daily Express, 21 June & 26 August
British Library Newspaper Archive