Miniature Rifle Shooting in January to March 1909
The Annual General Meeting of the Association took place on Saturday, January 2nd., at the Mechanics' Institute. Present were the Chairman, Secretary, and 16 club members one of whom was also the Treasurer, T.F. Revell of Boots Athletic R.C., who presented the accounts. The executive committee were elected and auditors appointed.
The report continues with an account of the presentation of trophies by the Chairman at a smoking concert held in the Albert Hotel. The main trophies presented were the Duke of Portland's Cup, the Astor Cup, and the Nottingham Guardian Challenge Cup. There were also the Davis Goblet and the Newark and District League Cup.

The Portland Cup was being presented for the first time to the successful Newark Town team, who beat Jardine's in the final at Lowdham on 15h August 1908. There are some differences between the report of the scores given at the time and those in this report. There are eight names, all correct, for the Newark team; but ten for the team from Jardine's and the names do not match up with the earlier report. It is mentioned that the Davis Goblet was presented to Mr. Lyner, the Newark Town captain of the Portland team; but again this does not match the 1908 report of the final.

The Astor Cup was won by Mapperley Rifle Club, who were then entitled to take part in the national final at Bisley. This they did despite having little experience of shooting at the longer ranges of the final (200 and 500 yards).

The Nottingham Guardian Challenge Cup was awarded for a rapid fire disk shoot and was won by Carrington Rifle Club at the Nottingham "Bisley" meeting in August last. Carrington also won the team skirmisher competition at the same meeting.
Nottingham Evening Post, Monday, 4th January 1909
The annual meeting of the Council of the Nottinghamshire Civilian and Miniature Rifle Association was held at the Mechanics', Nottingham, on Saturday. The chairman of the council, Lieutenant-Colonel A.E. Whitaker, presided, and those present were Lieutenant D.J. Jardine (hon. secretary), Messrs A.E. Sutton (Notts Civilians), J. Platt (Welbeck), E. Josselyn (Stanley Works, Newark), A.E. Emmerson (Carrington), E.A. Merryweather (Southwell), F.E. Tyler (Lowdham), P.J. Smith (Mapperley), W. Dyson (Radcliffe-on-Trent), G.F. Fawcett (Stanley Works, Newark), A. Davey (Newark Town), T.F. Revell (Boots Athletic), H.W. Davis (Constitutional), C.G. Kirk (Burton Joyce), P.V.Westby (St. Thomas's), H.A. Shelbourne (Castle Brewery, Newark), and W.A. Barrow (Jardine's).
The question of a postal league in the county, which had been deferred from the summer, was considered, and it was decided to approach each club in the county on the subject.
The hon. Treasurer (Mr. T.F. Revell), presented the balance-sheet, which showed a sum in hand of over £4.
The Welbeck Club, which has been restarted, was accepted for membership.
The following elections were made:- Executive Committee, Messrs. Merryweather, Sutton, Gibson, Davis , Fawcett, Kirk, Emmerson, Smith, Tyler, and Searson; hon. treasurer, Mr. T.F. Revell; auditors, Mr. E. Josselyn and Mr. S.A. Wallis; hon. general secretary, Lieutenant D.J. Jardine; hon. secretary for North Notts., Mr. A.E. Crabtreee, Retford.
The Duke of Portland's Cup, the Astor Cup, the Nottingham League Cup, the Nottingham Guardian Cup and the Newark and District League Cup were presented to the respective winners by Lieutenant-Colonel A.E. Whitaker, the chairman of the council, at a smoking concert arranged by the County Association and held at the Albert Hotel, Nottingham. There was a representative attendance from the city and the county, and apologies for absence were sent by Lord Henry Bentinck, Viscount Galway, Lieutenant-Colonel J. Foljambe, Colonel H. Denison, Colonel H. Mellish, and Lieutenant-Colonel R.L. Birkin, D.S.O.
Before handing over the trophies Colonel Whitaker pointed out that the Duke of Portland's Cup was competed for by 22 out of the 24 clubs then affiliated to the association, something like 320 men took part, and over 3,300 rounds were fired. The competition was very keen, and the greatest interest was shown. He congratulated Newark Town upon a very fine performance, The Astor Cup too called forth very severe competition, 17 clubs taking part. Mapperley won with a very good score.
The winners of the trophies and accompanying souvenirs were:–
THE DUKE OF PORTLAND'S CUP (champion club in the county, competed for on a knock-out system) - Newark Town R.C. (Messrs. H. Powell, C.W. Brownlow, W. Clews, C.W. Clews, L. Smith, J.C. Gill, M. Shee, and J.W. Whitaker), each of whom received a silver medal presented by Colonel Whitaker. Runners up (spoons):- Jardine's (Messrs. H. Montgomery, H..J. Montgomery, J. Hildyard, J. Smart, J. Harrison, W. Wallis, J. Hendry, J. Baylis, W. Crosland, and W.A. Barrow).
THE DAVIS GOBLET (given by Mr. M. Davis, Newark, to the captain of the team winning the Duke's cup) - Mr. Lyner.
THE ASTOR CUP (competed for by N.R.A. clubs in the county upon one day's shoot) - Mapperley R.C. (Messrs. W. Ashby, F. Caunt, T. Caunt, O.L. Bennett, P.T. Winfield, L. Duckett, J. Grundy, and P. Dominic). Runners up:- Notts. Civilians (Messrs. Sutton, Elbourne, Briggs, Derrick, Beecher, Warsop, Redway, and Radford).
THE NOTTINGHAM GUARDIAN CHALLENGE CUP (rapid firing, disc competition, at the Nottingham Bisley)-Carrington. (Messrs. F.G. Skerritt, J.E. Wise, W.J. Hodgson, and F.Houseley).
NEWARK AND DISTRICT LEAGUE CUP. - Newark Town R.C. (Messrs. H. Powell, C.W. Brownlow, W. Clews, C.W. Clews, J.W. Whitaker, L. Smith, J.C. Skerritt, H. Oldershaw, B.R. Smedley, W.J. Hodgson, J. Astill, G.H.J. Hooke, and G. Smith).
St. Thomas's rifle club had their range in the novel position of the basement of a church; but it was proving not as good an idea as at first thought. The solution was found in George Street where another club, Sneinton, was already using the lower floor.
Also in this report are included details of club competitions at Nottingham Constitutional and Nottingham High School Old Boys.
Nottingham Evening Post, Tuesday, 5th January, 1909
St. Thomas's have laboured under considerable difficulties since their formation owing to the situation of their range – central though it was – under the church. As a result it was impossible to fire when any service was being held, and other parochial organisations had an equal claim on the schoolrooms, so even the allotted two nights a week were not always available. In addition the range is shorter than the regulation length, this accounting for many of the high scores there recorded, chiefly, it should be said, by visiting combinations.
For a long while the executive have been on the look-out for better accommodation, and they have secured a fine room in George-street, in the premises of which the lower portion is already occupied by the Sneinton Rifle Club as their indoor range. The rooms are old malt rooms, and make admirable ranges, giving the full 25 yards' distance and plenty of target space. The new range is to be fitted up very much on the same lines as Sneinton adopted, and it is hoped to make a start with shooting there in about a month.
When the range has been established upon a paying basis, other developments are intended, for St. Thomas's have not lost sight of their intention to have an open air range before long.
By the way, much regret is felt at the resignation of Capt. E.H. Spalding from the treasurer-ship. Mr P.V. Westby, who has recently retired from the position of secretary, has been elected in his place.
The pairs competition at the Constitutional Club has just been completed. The conditions were 30 shots each, in three separate shoots, at decimal targets, under handicap conditions. The shooting was of a high order, the two winners, both scratch men, only losing eight points out of a possible 600. The best scores were:–
Hcp. | 1st | 2nd | 3rd | Agg | Tl. | |
W.E. Clifton | 0 | 100 | 99 | 98 | 297 | |
G. Stubington | 0 | 99 | 98 | 98 | 295 | 592 |
H.C. Sheldon | 0 | 98 | 98 | 97 | 293 | |
H.C. Wright | 0 | 100 | 98 | 98 | 296 | 589 |
W.J. Hodgson | 0 | 94 | 96 | 95 | 285 | |
J.H. Trease | 2 | 97 | 100 | 99 | 298 | 583 |
H.W. Davis | 0 | 98 | 97 | 96 | 291 | |
E.B. Stocker | 2 | 96 | 97 | 98 | 293 | 584 |
S.H. Page | 0 | 98 | 98 | 95 | 291 | |
F.W. Perry | 1 | 99 | 97 | 96 | 292 | 583 |
P.J. Smith | 1 | 98 | 95 | 96 | 290 | |
— Farr | 4 | 94 | 96 | 95 | 289 | 579 |
The High School Old Boys are at present engaged in shooting for a silver cup presented by the president, Mr Henry Russell, for the 12 best scores under handicap during December, January, and February. Shooting has not been very brisk during December, owing to other attractions and bad weather, but some good scores have been made.
The December competition for a silver spoon resulted as follows:–
F.G. Hickling | 294.27 | S.A. Wallis | 291.60 |
A.W. Lymbery | 293.72 | A.E. Spowage | 289.60 |
The Donegall Badge is to be shot for during the present month.
St. Thomas's Rifle Club were also in the news for another reason. They were proposing to have a ladies section in the club using their new range on one night a week. Sneinton who had their indoor range in the same building had already opened to ladies as had Carrington.
Nottingham Evening Post, Tuesday, 16th February, 1909
The ladies of Nottinghamshire have been some-what tardy in patronising miniature rifle shooting as compared with their sisters in Lincolnshire. In fact up to now Carrington and Sneinton are the only clubs with lady members.
In a week or two, however, a club for ladies only will come into existence in Nottingham. It is being raised in connection with St. Thomas's new range, and the members will have the use of the George-street premises on one night each week. That it will prove a sturdy organisation is a natural inference from the fact that already forty ladies have signified their intention of joining it.
The popularity of miniature rifle shooting was growing and the Nottingham League saw the need to enlarge the league to incorporate not only new clubs being formed but also second teams in existing clubs. They also amended the rules to make the competition for teams of ten with the best eight scores to count. And they adopted a new target with six diagrams to allow for two sighting shots and ten to count on the other five bull's-eyes.
Nottingham Evening Post, Wednesday, 24 February, 1909
A meeting of the Nottingham Miniature Rifle League was held last night at the Constitutional Club, Nottingham, Mr H.W. Davis (of the Constitutional Rifle Club) presided, and other representatives present were Messrs. H. Montgomery (Jardine's), S.A. Wallis (High School Old Boys), J.W. Smith (St. Thomas's). H. Owens (Municipal Officers), P.J. Smith (Mapperley), J.C. Hibbert (Boots), A. Emerson (Carrington), A. Searson (Sneinton), and H. Hancock (acting hon. secretary).
Various alterations to rules were made, amongst which was the decision that 10 members shall in future shoot per team, the eight best scores to count. The principal alteration, however, was with regard to the target for league matches. Hitherto the double-decimal target has been used, but in future the target will consist of six bulls, the conditions allowing two sighting shots on one bull and two shots on each of the other five to count.
It was decided to form a second division of the league to consist of any new clubs being formed in the city and the second teams of the clubs already in the league. Further arrangements for affiliation to the newly-formed league were left in the hands of the secretary, while a sub-committee comprised of Messrs. P.J. Smith, A. Emmerson, and H. Owens was formed to arrange the fixtures.
The Nottinghamshire Association of Miniature Rifle Clubs organised the competitions for the three main trophies under their control.
The Astor Cup had been inaugurated by the National Rifle Association in 1902 and was open to all clubs affiliated to the N.R.A. The Nottinghamshire Association was responsible for organising the County heat from which the winner could take part in the final at Bisley later in the year. The current holders were Mapperley.
The Duke of Portland's Cup was presented by the Duke in 1907 and was competed for in a knock-out competition between all clubs in the county. The winners would be the County Champions for the year. The current holders were Newark Town who were the first winners in 1908.
The Nottingham Guardian Challenge Cup, presented by the newspaper of the same name, was competed for by club teams of four in a knock-out disc breaking competition. Carrington were the current holders.
This report also carried the result of a postal match between the Municipal Officers teams from Nottingham and Oldham, which was a resounding win for the Nottingham team. Also the result of the first match of the new season in the league between St. Thomas's and Boots Athletic, which was a win for Boots by 749 to 732, utilising the best eight scores from each team.
Nottingham Evening Post, Tuesday, 23rd March, 1909
A sub-committee of the Nottinghamshire Association of Miniature Rifle Clubs, consisting of Messrs. David, Sutton, Merryweather, Revill, Radford, and Barrow, met on Saturday to arrange various details in connection with the competitions for the various cups under the association's control. Their recommendations will come before the Executive Committee shortly, but probably no change will be made in their arrangements.
The Astor Cup (holders, Mapperley), which is the oldest under competition, will be fired on June 12th. It is open to clubs in the county affiliated to the N.R.A., but the following alterations have been made in the method of competition. For the usual target the N.R.A. ten ring target will be substituted, the usual seven shots and a sighter being allowed. Further instead of the centre of the shot counting as in N.R.A. rules, the edge of the hit will be taken for counting purposes. Entries close on May 1st., and all competitors must be registered by May 22nd. Secretaries, on sending in their entries, should state what would be the most convenient time of day for their team to shoot.
The dates of the second competition for the Duke of Portland's Cup (holders, Newark Town) are May 15th, June 19th, July 17th, and August 21st. The knock-out conditions in two divisions, North and South, will prevail as last year, but instead of eight men on a side, all counting, ten will shoot, the best eight scores being reckoned, and the restriction that not more than three members of the team should be members of his Majesty's forces in active service has been removed. All preliminary practice is barred with the exception of two sighting shots by each competitor on a separate target, the counting shots being as last year - ten on A.S.M.R.C. duplicate target. Entries close May 1st.
The Nottingham Guardian Cup (holders, Carrington) will be shot for under quick-firing conditions on July 3rd, on the ranges of the Municipal Officers' and Carrington Clubs, if they can be obtained, and the experience of last year has evolved a fairer test for a team's skill. The cup will be shot for by teams of four from any rifle club in the county affiliated to the Nottinghamshire Association, and a club can enter as many teams as it wishes. They will fire at half inch black discs on white lettering (this giving the men a fair chance of sighting) and the competition will be on the knock-out principle.
The same afternoon, for the benefit of teams that are knocked out in the early rounds of the Guardian cup, a skirmisher competition is arranged, and for unlimited individual entries. The targets, head and shoulders on green skyline and brown lower half, will be exposed for one minute, during which period the competitor has to place as many shots on it as he can.
In addition there will be an unlimited competition at a disappearing target. A single decimal target will be exposed seven times, being up 3 sec. and down 6 sec. In each case the prize money will be percentages of the entrance fee.
A postal match in the National League of Local Government Officers' Rifle Clubs has been fired between the Nottingham Municipal Officers and Oldham Municipal Officers, resulting in a win for Nottingham by 119 points. The conditions were ten shots at 25 yards' distance on decimal targets, teams of 10, eight to count. The Nottingham team, whose first appearance in the league it was, fired just after the snowstorm last Tuesday night, and the scoring was affected by it. Scores:–
Nottm Municipal Officers | Oldham Municipal Officers | ||
A. Parker | 93 | H. Driver | 87 |
F. Coe | 92 | E. Waddscor | 78 |
G.H. Owen | 92 | T.S. Midgley | 76 |
W.A. Johnson (captain) | 90 | A. Henthorn | 76 |
A.H. Eklliott | 90 | A. Ashworth | 76 |
E. Pepper | 90 | T. Kershaw | 74 |
T.W. Gordon | 89 | F.L. Ogden | 70 |
E. Tagg | 89 | R. Whitehead | 69 |
W.H. Newham | 85 | J. Parkin | 69 |
R. Johnstone | 79 | D.E.G. Griffiths | 44 |
890 | 719 | ||
Counted out | 165 | Counted out | 113 |
Total | 725 | Total | 606 |
The first match of the season in the Nottingham League was fired last night on St. Thomas's range, between St. Thomas's and Boots, resulting in a win for Boots by 17 points. The conditions were 10 and 2 sighter shots at 25 yards distance on targets, teams of 10, 8 to count. Scores:–
St Thomas's | Boots Athletic | ||
J.C. Lazonby | 96 | J. Hunt | 98 |
W.H. Dean | 94 | H.G. Hooke | 95 |
P. Val. Westby | 94 | A. Thompson | 94 |
G.H. Rooston | 93 | N. Whitaker | 93 |
W. Harrison | 92 | J. Boyce | 93 |
E. Rooston | 90 | T.F. Revell | 93 |
J.W. Smith | 89 | H. Pearce | 92 | J.R. Harris | 84 | A. Rowe | 91 |
H.E. Hart | 76 | O. Fisher | 89 |
L.G. Henor | 76 | F. Freer | 77 |
884 | 915 | ||
Counted out | 152 | Counted out | 166 |
Total | 732 | Total | 749 |
Transcripts from the Nottingham Evening Post,
4 & 5 January, 16 & 24 February, and 23 March, 1909.
British Library Newspaper Archive