Local Shooting News Feb-Mar 1907
It was mentioned in an earlier report that miniature ranges were opening up in connection with public houses. The scope for risky situations arising is all too easy to imagine and indeed we have come across a report of injury sustained from a stray shot in these circumstances. Its not surprising then that the authorities should be taking a keen interest. The police in Nottingham had their eye on air rifle shooting in licensed premises and took action. It seems this was viewed as an attack on liberty rather than a sensible safety measure.
Nottingham Evening Post, Tuesday, 5 Feb 1907
A meeting "to protest against the action of the police authorities in stopping air-rifle shooting on licensed premises", was held last evening at the Raleigh Works, Lenton. Councillor E. N. Elborne presided, and there was a large attendance. A number of letters of apology for absence were read. Lieut-Colonel R. L Birkin said the rifle clubs if properly used might some time be the salvation of England. If he could assist them in any way in getting expert advice on the matter he would be pleased to do so. Councillor F. Ball wrote that he was in sympathy with the objects of the league. Lord Henry Bentinck said he was sorry to hear that they were not allowed to shoot with an air-gun on licensed premises. A letter was read from Lord Roberts' secretary stating that Lord Roberts hoped a satisfactory solution might be arrived at.(Applause.)
The Chairman said he was not going to encourage them in any breach of the law. If the law was clearly laid down, they must observe it.(Hear,hear.) He looked upon the question as one of the liberty of the subject, and also from the patriotic point of view, for it was a national affair. It was a town's matter, and before any restrictions were put upon a body of men, whose object was so laudable, there should be a vote in the Council. (Applause) He was very glad to encourage them in that pastime, and so far as his influence went he would be very glad to help them. (Applause.).
Mr. Matthew Hirst, of Birmingham, one of the pioneers of the air rifle movement, gave an account of the progress of the pastime in Birmingham. The object of their meeting that night was not to defy the police or the licensing authority: their object was not defiance, but defence of their rights. (Applause.)
Mr. Lincoln Jefferies also spoke, dwelling upon the advantages of air rifle shooting and the real training it afforded for shooting later with the service rifle. Other speakers addressed the meeting, which closed with a vote of thanks to the chairman. A large number of signatures were affixed to the petition to the Licensing Committee, which is being prepared.
The Society of Miniature Rifle Clubs, the fore-runner of the National Smallbore Rifle Association, was keen to promote national competition between miniature rifle clubs. To this end they wanted each county to form its own county association of its local clubs. The members of these clubs would be competing for places in the county team of ten which would shoot against all other counties for the new Queen's Cup. The proposal for the new competition was circulated to the newspapers by Lord Roberts.
Nottingham Evening Post, Monday, 11 Feb 1907
We are requested to publish the following letter from Earl Roberts, dated February 5th, 1907 :–
"It was my privilege to announce a few days ago that her Majesty the Queen has been graciously pleased to present to the Society of Miniature Rifle Clubs, of which I have the honour to be the president, a challenge cup, to be competed for annually by teams selected from miniature rifle clubs in each county. To carry out and give full to her Majesty's generous intentions it will be necessary that an association of such clubs shall be formed in each county to superintend the selection of its representative team and to arrange all necessary details. May I express a hope that Lord-Lieutenants will co-operate with me in the formation of these associations, on which the of the success of the contest must to so great an extent depend?
"A few county association of miniature rifle clubs already exist; others are in process of formation, and as the contest will not take place before September there are still several months in which to organise. The full conditions will be published later on, and this moment. it is only necessary to state that:–
(A) They will be framed on the most simplest lines possible.
(B) A member of any club affiliated to the Society of Miniature Rifle Clubs, as also to its county association, before July 1st, will be eligible to qualify for his county team.
(C) Any Association which may be deemed by the Society of Miniature Rifle Clubs to be representative of a county will be entitled to enter one team of ten men.
(D) There will be but one distance, of 25 yards.
(E) Only open sights will be permitted.
"For the first year at any rate, until further experience is gained, the conditions must be of a tentative nature; and, with the object of reducing to the lowest possible figure all expenses connected with the contest, the first stages of the competition will take place within the limits of the county to which the competitors belong. And the Society will endeavour to find some convenient centre where the teams which have qualified to shoot in the final stage may be assembled.
"I hope that 'The Queen's Cup' will give an immense impetus to miniature rifle shooting. What now remains to be done is to start on a proper basis the machinery necessary in each county for the successful conduct of the several competitions.
–- I remain. your obedient servant.
"Roberts, F.M."
Local competitions were reported in the Evening Post, as was news from growing clubs.
Nottingham Evening Post, Monday, 11 Feb 1907
On Saturday afternoon a shooting competition under the auspices of the Codnor Park and District Miniature Rifle Club took place at the range in the Monument Hall. The prizes were given by Dr. J. C. Pounder. The winners were:– S. Millwards, 53 points; F. Grainger, 52; R. Leighton, 49; J. Dexter, 47.
Nottingham Evening Post, Tuesday, 19 Feb 1907
In aid of the funds of the Sneinton Rifle Club, whose president is Earl Manvers, a concert was given last evening at Sneinton Institute. The programme was well diversified, and the many items met with unstinted approval from a large audience.
A few particulars about the club will be of interest. In April of last year it was inaugurated by Mr. G. E. Marshall, who takes a keen interest in everything relating to rifle shooting. He experienced great difficulty in setting matters going, mainly through inability to find suitable ground.
The matter eventually coming to the knowledge of Earl Manvers, however, his lordship provided a piece of land eminently suitable by Sneinton dale, at the same time assisting the project financially. The membership numbers about 80 or 90, and is rapidly increasing.
The County Astor Cup had been started in 1903 as a long range competition. With the increasing number of miniature rifle clubs being opened, the county heats had been opened up to miniature rifle shooters so that all clubs could compete to be the county representative club. In Nottinghamshire the county heat was organised by the Notts. League of Civilian Rifle Clubs. The League included sixteen clubs, fourteen of which were represented at the meeting held to make arrangements for the 1907 competition.
Membership of the Notts. League included:–
Jardine's Rifle Club
Castle Brewery, Newark
Notts. Civilian R.C.
Notts. Institutes' Association
Stanley Works, Newark
Nottingham Evening Post, Monday, 11 March 1907
A meeting of the Notts. League of Civilian Rifle Clubs to arrange for this competition was held at the Mechanics' Institution, Nottingham, on Saturday, there being present - Mr. J. R. Starkey, M. P. (chairman), Captain D. J. Jardine (Jardine's), Messrs. G. V. Bury (Balderton), C.J.Walker (Beeston),A. Emmerson (Carrington), J. W. Tandy (Castle Brewery, Newark), W. Clarke and T. Mills (Kirkby-in-Ashfield), F. E. Tyler(Lowdham), C. W. Brown (Mansfield), A. E. Mee (Mapperley), A. E. Sutton (Notts. Civilian), W. S. Lewitt (Notts. Institutes Association), H. Gibson (Radcliffe-on-Trent), E. A. Merryweather (Southwell), E. Josselyn (Stanley Works, Newark), and John T. Radford (hon. secretary).
Out of the 16 clubs notified of the meeting 14 were represented, as against seven last year. The re-election of Mr. J. R. Starkey, M.P., as the chairman, on the proposition of Mr. Josselyn, supported by Mr. Walker and Captain Jardine, was unanimously approved. -On the proposal of Messrs. Tyler and Mills, Mr. John T. Radford was unanimously re-elected hon. secretary. -The result of last year's competition, when six teams shot at Beeston, was reported. -Votes of thanks were cordially voted to Major J. Ashworth, R.H.R., and Captain P. M. Payne, R.H.R., for acting as range officers in last year's competition. -The new clubs represented were elected to membership of the league, subject to complying with the rules. -The financial statement, which was very satisfactory, was presented and approved. After some discussion it was decided that this year's competition should be shot on the range of the Radcliffe-on-Trent Club, the date being fixed for June 15th. The question of the ammunition to be used was then arranged. It was resolved that the teams competing should each consist of eight men. The competition is to be shot at 25 yards and 50 yards, one sighter and seven shots at each range.
Lowdham Rifle Club was a member of the Notts. League of Civilian Rifle Clubs and took part in the Astor Cup and the Newark and District League.
Nottingham Evening Post, Thursday, 21 March 1907
Mr. J. D. Pearson presided over a meeting last night in the Lowdham Schools. Arrangements were made for the coming season, commencing April 6th. Matches will be fired in connection with the Newark and District league under new and more satisfactory conditions, and an entry has been made for the Astor Cup competition. There will be a monthly shoot for the club's silver challenge cup, in addition to some novel competitions.
Transcripts from Nottingham Evening Post 1907
British Library Newspaper Archive