Lightweight Sport Rifle and Bench Rest Competitions
Autumn 2016

The second season of lightweight sport rifle shooting has now concluded and we are able to congratulate the winners in the competitions run this Autumn season.
The five competitions offered were:–
- Semi-auto Precision Prone Unsupported
- Semi-auto Standing Unsupported
- Semi-auto Mixed Prone and Standing Unsupported
- Semi-auto Benchrest
- Bolt Action Benchrest
There were six entries for competitions 1, 3 and 5, and five entries for competition 4, with competitors from three clubs. There were no entries for competition 2 (standing only)
Our congratulations go to the winners in each of the competitions, who were:–
- Semi-auto Precision Prone Unsupported - A. Wike, Old Nottinghamians R.C.
- Semi-auto Mixed Prone and Standing Unsupported - D. Henry, Nottingham City R.C.
- Semi-auto Benchrest - A. Cotter, Langer R.C.
- Bolt Action Benchrest - R Robbins, Nottingham City R.C.
A full breakdown of the scores can be read here.
If you would like to take part in future LSR league competitions, or would like more information about them, please email Maxine Woodward, via this email link. We welcome entries from any Notts. RA affiliated club. The more competitors there are the more challenging the shooting.