The Gresham Shield Match 2013

The Gresham Shield match for 2013 was held on Saturday 6th July at the Beckingham ranges.
Fifteen shooters and six helpers including check scorers, butts and firing point supervisors and RCO's turned up on a very sunny and hot Saturday morning. Apologies were received from EBRC who were unable to field a team.
Three teams of four competed for the prize wrestling with both mirage and heat haze from hot barrels!
The scores were as follows:
1st | NADVAS "A" | 255.07 |
2nd | NADVAS "B" | 239.04 |
3rd | NADVAS "C" | 186.04 |
Congratulations to the winning team consisting of Andy McBain, Dave Johnson, Andy Wyke and Bill Parnham.
Many thanks to the runners up and also to the support team who made the meeting possible.