Awsworth & Kimberley District RC has been in existence since 1941. Club members actively participate in club, county, regional and national competitions. We can provide equipment to enable newcomers to try it out. Supervision, free safety instruction and training is given on a 1 to 1 basis by our experienced shooters or NSRA and NRA certified RCO's
The club usually shoots on Monday Evenings.
The range is located just off Derby Road not far from the Queens Medical Centre in Nottingham.
The range has 4 Firing points that can cater for either prone, standing or benchrest disciplines at distances up to 25yds. Shooting .22rf, pistol calibres and Black Powder. Covering sporting rifle, target rifle, pistol calibre rifle, benchrest, blackpowder, air rifle and pistol. Throughout the Spring and Summer we also shoot full-bore between April and September at Epperstone.
Enquiries about joining the club should be addressed to our Secretary by email through the Notts RA using the link below.
The above information has been provided by the Club's Secretary
Contact Awsworth & Kimberley District Rifle Club via Notts RA by email