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Nottinghamshire Rifle Association

Providing support for smallbore, fullbore, and black powder shooting clubs in the county

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About Nottinghamshire Rifle Association

Rooted in tradition, but modern and forward thinking in outlook, we are dedicated to actively supporting target shooting within our County.

First established in 1861, to support the volunteer movement, we now encourage the formation of Target Shooting Clubs that are open to all to acquire the skills needed for the various shooting disciplines with an emphasis on responsibility and safety.

We cover Small-bore (including Lightweight Sport Rifle), Full-bore (including Vintage Arms), and Black Powder (muzzle loading) disciplines, and are affiliated to the following National Governing Bodies:

The Nottinghamshire Rifle Association works with its affiliated Clubs to provide the training, equipment, support and facilities to encourage new-comers to this fascinating and involving sport.

Our affiliated clubs.

Our training events.

We also organise competitive shooting matches for Club teams and individuals, with medals and trophies for the winners. These competitions encourage the aspiration to succeed and to raise the level of shooting skills in the county.

Both Small-bore and Full-bore County Teams are selected from shooters who meet the residence criteria for county teams. County teams take part in Regional and National competitions, either through postal leagues or shoulder-to-shoulder matches. The Association helps provide equipment to improve the outcomes for our county teams.

Our county teams.

We encourage Nottinghamshire shooters who have reached international standards by providing grants to assist with the expenses of participating.

We encourage affiliated clubs requiring assistance with range development by providing interest free short term loans. Where clubs are applying for loans or grants from national bodies, we can assist by drawing on our experience in this area.

Through its website, the Association aims to generate new membership enquiries for our affiliated clubs and to provide information about competitions and events.

We liaise with our National Governing Bodies to stay abreast of any relevant changes and help to communicate these to our affiliated clubs. We also interact with Nottinghamshire Constabulary to help resolve issues around regulations. We represent Nottinghamshire clubs interests at the local and national level and encourage all parties to work together for the development of shooting in the county.

The Nottinghamshire Rifle Association is a company limited by guarantee, number 726693, and a charity registered with the Charity Commission, charity number 209400.

We are subject to the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and are committed to respecting your privacy. We collect personal data to meet our legitimate interests in the running of the Association and maintaining contact with our members and other interested parties. We also retain personal data to meet our legal and contractual requirements.

Our Privacy Notice