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Providing support for smallbore, fullbore, and black powder shooting clubs in the county

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Public Consultation on Firearms Licensing
Open until 23 August 2023

Action required from all firearm and shotgun certificate holders

Recommendations were made to the Home Office for changes to the legislation on firearms licensing and the system of referees and other processes in three reports relating to two incidents involving loss of life: Keyham Plymouth 12 Aug 2021 and Isle of Skye 10 Aug 2022.

The Firearms Policy Unit of the Home Office has started a Public Consultation on the proposed changes. The Consultation is open until 23 August 2023.

The Consultation document gives details of the background events, the reports received, and the current government position. There is a summary of current firearms legislation and the recommendations made to the Home Office.

The Consultation document includes details of how to respond by online form, by email, and by post. The document and online form are available on this link.

Please read the Consultation document in full as it contains useful considerations to bear in mind when responding. Some proposals will undoubtedly increase police time and as a consequence the scale of fees for granting and renewing firearm and shotgun certificates. Any changes must be reasonable, proportionate and not detrimental to owners of firearms or shotguns.

The British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC) has published their response and guidance on their website. See the details on this link to BASC.

The National Rifle Association has also published their recommendations for responding to the survey questions. These can be found on the NRA website on this link.

This Consultation on firearms ownership is very important. Please take action. Read the details and complete the response form as soon as you can. It will not take long. All answers are either yes or no or leave blank.

If you have any questions then please contact us using this feedback link.